Building Respect (QMCA)
Domestic & Family Violence Hub
Information and support
What is Domestic and Family Violence?
I am affected by Domestic and Family Violence
I am a leader or manager wanting to learn more
I am supporting someone affected by violence
I am concerned about my behaviour
QMCA is commited to addressing domestic and Family Violence
Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) is a widespread and serious issue in Australia and it can affect anyone. The Building Respect website provides information and resources for all QMCA members and their teams. It aims to assist anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by Domestic and Family Violence.
It makes sense from both a commercial and compassionate perspective to ensure QMCA members have the necessary skills, culture and approach to identify victims of DFV and provide support to see them through the transition from victim to survivor, and beyond.
And, most importantly, it’s the right thing to do.
Support from QMCA
Why is Domestic and Family Violence a workplace issue?
Workplaces play a key role in taking a stand against DFV in the Australian community. The workplace often provides the DFV victim with a safe haven, social connection as well as financial independence. This is the main reason that workplaces need to recognise their role in a victim of DFV’s journey and identify areas where they can lend additional support.
The 2011 National Domestic Violence and the Workplace Survey found that nearly half (48%) of respondents who reported experiencing Domestic and Family Violence said the violence had affected their ability to get to work.

Building Respect at QMCA
If you think you may be impacted by Domestic and Family Violence, please contact your leader, manager or HR department for support.